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5 Best Cockroach Traps

Don't waste time on inferior products to get rid of cockroaches. We talked to pros about what to use, and these were their favorites.

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Why Use Traps to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most annoying household pests, and eliminating an infestation is no small task. The most effective way to eliminate a cockroach problem is with traps. Here are five products to consider in your fight against cockroaches.

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Borax Powder

“We actually recommend boric acid to deal with these and many other pests,” said Dan Bailey, President of WikiLawn. “Boric acid powder can be placed outside or inside, wherever roaches traffic. Because roaches are surprisingly clean, when they get it on their legs they will clean it off and ingest the powder which will kill them no more than 24 hours later.”

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Victor Roach Trap

“I really recommend the Victor Roach Trap because it uses a pheromone tablet to attract the cockroaches,” said Wesley Wheeler, owner and veteran exterminator at Bug Lord Pest Control. “For a little over $1 per trap, they are really affordable too. Each trap consists of a small cardboard box with a sticky floor, which has a shelf life of 3 years as long as you keep it in the package.” Also, check out this lavender water TikTok hack to get rid of cockroaches.

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Trapper Max

“The sticky side of the traps is pre-baited with peanut butter, which has proven to be one of the most effective baits for both insects and rodents,” said Nicholas Martin, founder of Pest Control Hacks. “The glue is so tough it can catch mice, so you shouldn’t doubt to achieve the right result. It’s also great that these traps are not toxic to humans and pets. However, I do not recommend placing them in places accessible to pets and children, as the glue is very strong and you don’t want any problems with it.”

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Hot Shot Ultra

This sticky cockroach trap features a unique liquid trapping substance that works as a highly attractive bait and poisons cockroaches that taste it,” Martin said. “Even if a careful insect manages to feed without sticking to the surface, it will die anyway within a few hours. The trick is that the bait includes both food and water, which are essential elements of a cockroach diet. Roaches are smart enough to choose a spot where food and water are available at the same time.”

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Roach Motel

“This extremely effective insect trap contains a special lure that attracts insects and making them stuck until they die,” said Ryan Smith, a pest control expert and owner of Ant and Garden Organic Pest Control. “What I love about Roach motel is that I won’t have to worry about seeing dead roaches anywhere my home.”

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Alex Shoemaker
Alex is an avid DIYer but had little experience before purchasing his first home in 2019. A Family Handyman subscription was one of his first purchases after becoming a homeowner, and he's been hooked ever since. When he’s not working, he can be found fixing up his 1940s Florida home or relaxing on the beach with his family.